Find out more about each number range before you buy
0300 numbers
If you are looking to buy 0300 numbers, please be aware that they are reserved exclusively for charities. Those who don’t have a registered charity number will not be able to use an 0300.
0330 numbers
Introduced relatively recently, buying 0330 numbers has become increasingly popular due to the ability to get a memorable number in this range. Regardlessly of your industry, this could be a great fit for you.
0333 numbers
Another ‘newer’ number range, and part of the 03 family. Charged at a local rate, many companies are buying 0333 numbers for use as their main customer service helpline.
0345 numbers
Brought in to allow people to phase out the 0845 equivalent, companies buy 0345 numbers due to their caller-friendly rates. Increasingly popular for helpline use.
0370 numbers
Looking to migrate to a 03 from the equivalent 0870 prefix? Buying an 0370 number will give you the option to use either prefix, offering flexibility for your business.
0800 numbers
Possibly the most well known number range in the UK. Now completely freephone, companies are now buying 0800 numbers more frequently due to their trust with the public.
0808 numbers
Again, one of the most well known of any non-geographic number prefix – recognised widely by the UK public. This why buying an 0808 number is always a safe bet.
0843 numbers
One of the most popular ranges, many buy 0843 numbers because they are particularly good for business owners due to the rebates that they can generate with inbound phone calls. Regulated by Ofcom, and recognisable to the British public
0844 numbers
Another telephone range that generates a rebate, people buy 0844 numbers because they are trusted by the general public and well recognised. One of the most popular phone prefixes around.
0845 numbers
If you are interested in buying 0845 numbers, they are caller-friendly and have the added benefit of creating a national business presence. Used by a wider range of companies in a variety of different industries.
0870 numbers
Classed as premium rate, this is a range that has slowly been dying out in the UK. However, many still buy 0870 numbers for a variety of reasons – the rebate generated being key amongst them.
0871 numbers
Part of the 087 family that has slowly started to be phased out, companies buy 0871 numbers and use them for a variety of different reasons. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
0872 numbers
Just like other 087 telephone numbers, buying an 0872 number and using it may offer a volume dependent rebate. However, they can cost callers – and their use is highly regulated.