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08 Numbers – Buy Your Number Now

Looking for the right UK-wide business phone number? Then 08 numbers are a great ‘Non-Geographic Number (NGN)’ option. You’ll also benefit from our must-have call features, which simply slot on top of your existing system.

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Choosing your 08 number

If you or your business is looking for a simple solution to your telephone number branding, then 08 numbers are likely your best option. Although they have become slightly less prominent after the introduction of the 03 range, 08 are still the main Non-Geographic Number (NGN) in use for businesses across the UK. The main advantage of having an 08 number is that you are able to have a national brand, while also having extras built on top of your existing phone system.

Buy 08 numbers

With any number purchased from us, we can implement call routing, queuing and many other features – get in touch with us if you would like any more information on how purchasing an 08 number can help your company move to the next level.

If you would like to purchase an 08 number, our team would be able to talk you through the advantages for your company, as well as implementing a full set-up tailored to your needs.

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0800 Numbers

Otherwise known as freephone numbers 0800 (and 0808) prefixes are utilised by businesses large and small – providing a national footprint and a professional impression. 0800 numbers are said to generate considerably more customer calls than generic local numbers. We have a wide range of 0800 numbers to purchase for both businesses and individuals. Find out more.

Buy 0800 Numbers

0843 Numbers

Imagine being able to earn money with every customer phone call you receive – with 0843 numbers you can do exactly that. You could reap between 2p and 3p per minute (depending upon volume), which over a regular 8-hour day certainly mounts up. If you purchase an 0843 number, you will also give yourself a national reach – if you need any further information, get in touch. Find out more.

Buy 0843 Numbers

0845 Numbers

0845 is a local rate option – providing businesses with the benefit of a national presence and callers with the advantage of only paying 01/02 equivalent costs. Often associated with professional and long-established concerns, 0845 prefixes also help you create an enviable corporate impression. Find out more.

Buy 0845 Numbers

0871 Numbers

While they are far from the most commonly used phone number, 0871 numbers do have some cache in the UK telephone business. They are also able to generate a rebate for your company – but they do come with certain restrictions. If you would like to buy an 0871 number, we would be able to advise you on all of this and more. Find out more.

Buy 0871 Numbers

0808 Numbers

Although not as widely used as 0800, 0808 numbers are incredibly common among businesses of all sizes. These are classed as freephone, and since legislation changed, this is now also the case for consumers calling from mobiles too. Buying an 0808 number is a great step towards making your company national-ready – and a memorable phone number can be a great marketing tool too. Find out more.

Buy 0808 Numbers

0844 Numbers

A rebate generating number, the use of 0844 numbers has declined slightly in recent years after the introduction 03 numbers and the move towards more freephone numbers. However, purchasing an 0844 number is still a popular move, and can do a lot for your business – especially if you pick a memorable phone number to market. Find out more.

Buy 0844 Numbers

0870 Numbers

0870 (and 0871 numbers) have a non-geographic appearance and allow callers to contact you at 10p per minute – however, mobile calls may cost more. It is important to note that a tariff declaration must get displayed, and this is something we can walk you through if you buy an 0871 number. Find out more.

Buy 0870 Numbers

0872 Numbers

Caller tariffs for 0872s are established by the ‘terminating communications provider’ and can cost around 10p per minute for BT customers. However, one invaluable advantage of 0872s is their non-geographic business influence – a great marketing tool especially during multiple campaigns. Find out more.

Buy 0872 Numbers

Find out more about virtual 08 numbers

Got more questions about 08 numbers? We’ve put together guides that should answer most of your queries.