Along with Hitchin 01462 also covers Hertfordshire’s neighbouring communities such as Arlesey, Langford, Letchworth, Shillington & Weston.
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If your base is within the region of Hitchin in Hertfordshire and requires a geographic telephone number, the prefix 01462 is the one for you. Are you aware that 01462 also accommodates many of Hertfordshire’s neighbouring communities such as Arlesey, Langford, Letchworth, Shillington and Weston?
To ascertain whether a 01462 prefix is suitable for your area please call freephone on 0330 332 0400 – our dedicated team will gladly help, 24-hours a day. 7-days a week. If you’re sure of what you want, you can buy an 01462 number now.
As 01462 prefixed contact numbers get typically categorised as regular landline numbers, they are therefore charged at a standard call rate. So, your customers can contact you safe in the knowledge that they know exactly how much their call is likely to cost.
Callers trying to contact your business from overseas can do so by simply adding 44 and dropping the 0 from the 01462, for instance, +44 1462 xxx xxxx.
We are one of the leading telecommunications company in the United Kingdom. We offer all kinds of telecommunications solutions as well as NGNs to suit the business and domestic needs of residents in the UK. Also known as a virtual number, a non-geographic number is a phone number which is not limited to a single geographic location within a country. In other words, the number is associated with a country, say UK, but not specifically any area/city/county/town. Thus, when the customer calls up the NGN, the call would be transferred to the destination telephone set of the subscriber.
What is a 01462 number? Well, geographic numbers such as this are exactly what its name states and they are a complete opposite of NGNs. These are basically numbers which are associated with a specific geographic location in a country. In case of 01462, the linked location is Hitchin in Hertfordshire, a county in southern England. Hitchin is a small market town situated in the northern part of Hertfordshire. Thus, if you’ve received a call from an unknown caller whose number starts from 01462 then you can assume that it is a call from someone in Hitchin or surrounding areas.
While 01462 is basically the area code for Hitchin, surrounding areas can also be covered under this code. These areas are Weston, Stotfold, Shillington, Shefford, Offley, Letchworth, Langford, Hitchin, Ashwell and Arlesey. Generally speaking, a contact number starting with 01462 will basically be a landline because in the UK telephone numbers starting with 01 and 02 are assigned for home/business landlines but there are exceptions. This holds true to all UK area codes as sometimes such numbers may be used as NGNs.
Those making a call to this number from within UK can directly dial the number whereas those from abroad need to add the international access code prior to dialing this number. The country code for UK is of course +44 and this should be followed by the local code, i.e. 1462 (excluding the 0), and the remaining phone number. The local length of numbers with the area code 01462 is 6 digits and the charges for calls made to such numbers are usually normal. However, there may also be exceptional cases wherein the calls to these numbers are free or subsidized. This usually applies to customers who have call packages which include a certain amount of free calls or concessional rates for phone calls.
If you live in Hitchin area and is looking for a new telephone line then we can help you set up a 01462 number. Also, we offer NGNs, which can really come in handy for those with businesses requiring a dedicated customer care/service line. All our telecommunication solutions are guaranteed to fulfill your requirements and provide complete satisfaction.
When you have finished shopping, rest assured, our service continues past the point of sale with instant support and a portfolio of call-handling features available with your needs in mind. Such services include our invaluable, ‘Disaster Recovery’ facility, which keeps your lines of communication running, even in an emergency such as system power failure.
For more information regarding our complete range of associated services, please visit our designated ‘features’ page.
Alternatively, our friendly team are always here to tell you more and manage queries you have regarding your 01462 telephone number.
Got more questions about 01 numbers? We’ve put together guides that should answer most of your queries.