0330 numbers are a special type of landline rate numbers that are normally used by different organisations and businesses. Unlike the old-fashioned phone numbers, any business 0330 number purchased from Number Supermarket is not linked to any geographic location. Nonetheless, the call cost of a 0330 number within the United Kingdom is commonly charged using the same rates as calling a business landline or normal home. The main advantage of using 0330 numbers is the cost, which is very affordable. Another great advantage of using 0330 numbers is that in case your landline tariff or mobile tariff is inclusive of monthly quotas of minutes or calls to landlines, then the 0330 numbers are going to be included. This, in turn, means that if the users have subscribed to their service providers monthly quotas of minutes, then they will not be charged for making calls to 0330 numbers. Numbers, which start with the prefix 03, are normally charged at the same rate as numbers that begin with 01 and 02. In case the user’s phone company offers tariffs that are inclusive to landlines, then the calls made to 0330 numbers are going to be included similarly.
How much does it cost to call an 0330 number on TalkTalk?
A subsidiary of Carphone Warehouse, TalkTalk was founded in the year 2003 before it later became a standalone company in the year 2010. During the initial stages, Talk Talk was a provider of fixed telephone services. However, the company began to offer broadband services as well as telephony services to its consumers. Calls made to 0330 using TalkTalk as the service provider are charged using local rates, of 13.5 p on Essentials, Fast Broadband, Easy Broadband and Fast Fibre packages. On Plus TV package, calls made to 0330 numbers are free of charge. Except TV voting and direct inquiries which normally attract a higher charge