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Old-fashioned telephone in black and white


What is the PSTN switch off?

OK, let’s cut to the chase, The ‘Public Switched Telephone Network’ (PSTN) is due to be switched off in 2025. That means no more of the fixed, ‘stick your plug in the wall’ lines we’ve known since, well forever! Why is this happening –  quite simply to make way for newer broadband technology. Times are a changin’.

Telecom companies are now gradually moving landline phone customers (business and consumer) away from the traditional copper telephone network. Cloud-based innovation is set to replace PSTN set up as more and more businesses and homes migrate to VoIP/mobile solutions. So, it’s not only business owners who need to prepare, we need to ensure our homes are ready too.


Bringing it home…

According to ‘Which?’ a massive 74% of consumers with copper-based landlines are not aware of the move to digital telephony. With around 60% of consumers still using landline home phones there is set to be a large portion of the market who need to make the shift. Many of us are creatures of habit. Research has found that those who haven’t made the move to digital aren’t remaining on copper lines due to tech problems but more out of sticking with what they know best.

A huge 97% of home landline users do have alternative ways to make and receive telephone calls. So, whilst the death of fixed lines may seem daunting, most of us are already using more modern options. If you need further information about the solutions available and how you can make the change ask Number Supermarket –  our friendly team is here to help.

You’ll also find a wealth of handy guides on the Ofcom site including details on what’s happening and when.


Hybrid working – where office & home telephony combine…

With 2 in 5 employers set to continue embracing home working into 2023 migrating to cloud-based telephony within the home is becoming increasingly important – especially as the 2025 switch-off deadline approaches. So, it’s time to start feeling at home with VoIP.

You may be forgiven for thinking that shifting workforces into the cloud is going to cost a pretty penny. Calm down – it won’t. With so many mobile apps and affordable VoIP hard and soft phones available you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how pocket-friendly making the move will be. Visit our VoIP page, pop in your details and we’ll tell you more.


Key Q&As

 When do you need to change?

Obviously 2025 is the absolute latest date, however migrating sooner rather than later is best. Having said that, you don’t have to take immediate action until your provider informs you that your telephone service is changing. Of course you may decide to proactively look for the best price before then.


Will other devices be affected?

 The change may affect other devices including security systems, fire alarms and payment systems – your provider should be able to tell you if these need upgrading.


Can I continue to use my old landline phone using VoIP lines?

 Some regular desk phones can be used in conjunction with cloud-based telephony – they simply plug into your broadband router rather than your telephone socket. Your provider will tell you if your landline phone is compatible or if you need a VoIP phone. Many digital packages also come with mobile apps, enabling you to make and receive calls though your mobile phone.


Are my calls going to cost more?

 The great thing is your calls should cost considerably less as inbound and outbound calls are commonly free – good news right!


Do I need super-fast broadband?

 Absolutely not, all you do need is adequate and reliable broadband. Remember, broadband has advanced considerably in recent years and there are lots of deals out there. Once again your provider will guide you.


For more info on going digital visit or call 0330 332 0400

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