0300 numbers are not free to call from a landline. However many providers bundle these numbers into their calling packages. If your provider does not include these numbers in your call package then calls to this number will cost your standard landline rate. This rate is usually around 7p but can be as high as 10p per minute. Traditionally these numbers are not linked to a physical location. All 03 numbers work in the same way and are always charged at the same rate as each other. This includes any 0300 number (i.e. 03001, 03002,03003). A 0300 number can only be bought by by Non Profit organisations and charitable societies. This number format was introduced in March 2007. The Number Format were introduced by Ofcom in an attempt to boost consumer confidence. It was introduced as an alternative to 08 numbers (i.e. 0870). 0300 numbers allow organisations to have contact with consumers without the consumer having to worry about being charged extra fees like those found when dealing with 08 numbers. This makes these numbers perfect for when a company wants to make contact with a consumer without forcing the consumer to pay surcharges.
Buy your 0300 number
Interested in buying your own 0300 number? Choose from the packages below, or speak to a member of our team by calling 0330 332 0400 now.