Are 0333 numbers free from landlines?

Unlike traditional phone numbers, 0333 numbers are not related to specific geographic areas – and are generally bought by SMEs and other businesses for that reason. However, the cost to call a 0333 number in the UK the call, just like a regular fixed phone or company. A call to a 0333 number costs the same cost as a regular call to a landline or mobile home.
All numbers begin with 03 being at the same speed as standard fixed network numbers starting with ’01’ or ’02’ loaded. If your fixed telephony offers include phone calls, calls to 0333 numbers will be included in the same way. The 0333 numbers are not the same as 0800 and 0808 free, but there may be many free calling rate rates.
If the price of the cell phone offers free calls to fixed numbers at certain hours of the day or call minutes included or covered bundled calls, calls to 0333 numbers (and all the other 03 numbers) will be involved in these precision-based operations.
The number 0333 is a particular type of fixed network number of companies and other organizations to use.
’03 numbers work all calculated in the same way and with the same speed. This includes numbers 03330, 03331 numbers, 03332, 03333 and 0333 numbers with other numbers numbers, regardless of how or what number the following figures are displayed. A call to a 0333 number costs the same cost as a regular call to a landline or mobile home.

Number starts with Description Cost from landlines per minute (approximate) Cost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0333 UK-wide numbers up to 9p 3p to 55p