How much does it cost to call an 0845 number on TalkTalk?

An 0845 number is known as a business rate number and has special fees attached to it – you can buy yours here. The total cost of a call to an 0845 number takes the form of two parts. The first part is your network providers access charge, which will vary depending on your network operator and whether you are using a landline or mobile and will likely be the most expensive part of the total charge. The second part of the charge is the service charge, which can be up to 7p per minute and is justified as calls to an 0845 number usually involves some form of service such as customer support.

Calling 0845 numbers on TalkTalk

TalkTalk charges different access charges depending on whether you are using a landline or mobile phone. If you are using a landline, then the access charge will be 7.5 pence per minute, with a minimum charge of 7.5p, and so when combined with the service charge the maximum charge will be 14.5 pence per minute to call an 0845 number. Calling an 0845 number on TalkTalk is much more expensive if you are using a mobile phone, the access charge being 25p per minute, with a minimum charge of 25p and so the maximum charge would be 32 pence per minute when calling an 0845 number from a mobile.

If possible then, it is best to call an 0845 number from a landline from TalkTalk instead of a mobile from TalkTalk, with the maximum per minute charge when using a landline being 14.5 pence, whereas the maximum per minute charge when using a mobile being 32 pence.