How much does it cost to call an 0330 number on Vodafone?

Buy 0330 Numbers

A telephone number prefixed with an 0330 code is a non-geographic code used by a customer who does not want to reveal their location through a standard UK area code.

Vodafone’s website ( tells us the company charges 55 pence per minute for calls to any standard UK landline number starting 01, 02 or 03 so there is no additional charge above that normally made for other standard UK landline numbers.

The relatively uncommon use of this number range – and you can buy 0330 numbers through our site – can sometimes make people suspicious these attract higher call charges but Vodafone is clear these are charged at the same standard 55p per minute rate as normal 01 and 02 UK landline numbers.

Although 0330 numbers are not free to call, like 0800 or 0808 numbers, they do not attract any additional fee beyond the standard UK landline charges shared by numbers starting 01 or 02, whatever the remainder of the number is or how it is displayed.

Number starts with Description Cost from landlines per minute (approximate) Cost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0330 UK-wide numbers up to 9p 3p to 55p