How much does it cost to call an 0845 number on VOXI?

So you want to call a number beginning 0845, and wonder how much it would cost through VOXI? Wonder no longer!

Numbers that begin in 0845 are known as NGNs, which stands for “non-geographic number”. In other words, a number that is based in the UK but not necessarily in one particular area code – maybe a store with a lot of branches or a business with a centralised customer service line, for example.

On VOXI’s plans, calling these numbers will cost you 45p per minute (VOXI access charge) plus a service charge, which will vary depending on the company you are calling.

VOXI call costs to 0845 numbers

Need to know how much you’re going to be charged as a VOXI customer for phoning a certain number range? Discover your call charges below.

A minimum one-minute call charge applies and calls are charged per minute thereafter Cost a minute
National, local (01, 02, 03) and other VOXI and Vodafone numbers 30p
Other mobile networks 30p
Calls to voicemail 30p
Charity numbers starting 0800 or 0808 Free
Freephone (0800, 0808) Free
Decommissioned freephone (0500) 45p
Non-Geographic (08, 09, 118) 45p access charge plus a service charge
To Vodafone preferred DQ number (118 881) 45p access charge plus 80p service charge
Personal numbers / calling cards (starting 07 or 070, but not UK mobile networks) ( xed fee in some cases) 45p
Call forwarding services (eg. 07744, 07755) 45p
Video calling to Vodafone mobiles 45p
Video calling to other UK mobiles 45p
Radio-paging services (start 076) 45p per call


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