The 0300 numbers are categorised as non-geographic numbers since they are not restricted to a particular region in the UK. 0300 numbers are eligible for free minutes and important for anyone who would like to purchase one. Our company provides 0300 numbers as part of non-geographic numbers provision service. Below is a breakdown of their charges and advantages.
These numbers are mainly used by non-profit organisations, the public sector, health care centres, and government departments as their helplines. Regarding charges, it is illegal to charge more on 0300 numbers than the other numbers since 2015. It does not matter what network you are on or the phone you are using.
However, it is important to check with your network provider to be certain of the charges applicable since the terms of contract and tariff you agreed on might influence the charges. The 0300 numbers are completely free when calling via LycaMobile inside a contracted landline minutes allowance. Calling outside a contracted landline minutes provider charges 15p per minute.
Cost of calling 0300 numbers on Lycamobile
According to information on the Lycamobile website, here’s are the call charges that those who use the network can expect to incur. Please note, these may be liable to change, but were believed to be correct at the time of publication.
Number range | Cost /min | Service fee |
01 | £0.12 | Free |
02 | £0.12 | Free |
0300 | £0.12 | Free |
0330 | £0.12 | Free |
0333 | £0.12 | Free |
0345 | £0.12 | Free |
0370 | £0.12 | Free |
0843 | £0.23 | May vary |
0844 | £0.23 | May vary |
0845 | £0.23 | May vary |
0870 | £0.23 | May vary |
0871 | £0.23 | May vary |
0872 | £0.23 | May vary |
09 | £0.23 | May vary |
118 | £0.23 | May vary |
0800 | Free | Free |
0808 | Free | Free |
116 | Free | Free |
Lycamobile members | Free | Free |
Other UK networks | £0.19 | N/A |
SMS to Lycamobile members | Free | N/A |
SMS to other networks | £0.19 | N/A |
Data | 12p/MB | N/A |