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The history of 0370 numbers – why did 0370 numbers come into use?

By May 1, 2017Advice Centre, Guides

The introduction of 0370 numbers was a positive move back in 2007. It is only now, however that the momentum for their use has increased. It was the industry regulator that introduced the 0370 number, Ofcom. The purpose of the number was to enable large companies to lower call charges for their company. This was because of the rising number of complaints that many customers were making. Particularly when companies were using the expensive 0844 and 0845 numbers that many organisations were using. Instead, the 03 number allows companies instead to take much of the cost of the call, allowing the customer to only pay the same as a usual landline telephone number.

0370 numbers have been proved to be successful and more and more organisations are continuing to adopt their use. Landline telephone numbers usually can be traced or recognised by looking at the area code of ’01’ or ’02’ at the beginning of the phone number. With an 0370 it is not possible to identify the location of the telephone landline as this could be used anywhere in the United Kingdom.

The real advantage of buying 0370 numbers is the cost to the customer as we have already said. The telephone number costs the same as though you are using a usual national or local telephone number to a business or home landline.

Why choose an 0370 number?

Many mobile telephone operators allow you to include 0370 numbers in the monthly quota of minutes that come with your mobile phone contact. Therefore, you will not be charged any more for calling an 0370 number from your mobile, providing that you have enough minutes left for the duration of the call.

In a similar way, if you have a landline telephone package that includes free evening and weekend calls, 0870 numbers will be included for free at these times. However, if you call outside of the times that the free period applies then you will be charged the same as if you were making a local or national phone call.

Many people consider 0370 numbers to be free because they often do not incur any charge because they are often included in monthly telephone packages whether that be mobile or landline. However, they are not free and therefore they are not the same as calling an ‘0800’ or ‘0808’ which are truly free telephone numbers.

There are a variety of ‘03′ numbers. All numbers that begin ’03’ have the same charging structure.

Buy your 0370 number

Interested in buying your own 0370 number? Choose from the packages below, or speak to a member of our team by calling 0330 332 0400 now.

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