In the UK, numbers starting with 0872 are allocated to business and commercial establishments. These numbers are not tied to any geographical location. The common users of 0872 numbers are event and travel booking services, for pre-sales information, for dating and adult entertainment services, for horoscope and fortune-telling services, and similar services.
Numbers starting with 0872 usually do not get any rebates, considering the commercial nature of the calls. In fact, most providers charge a higher rate for 0872 numbers, considering the nature of service provided.
The Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA) regulates call charges for 0872 and other numbers. The PSA has regulated a maximum charge of up to 13p for 0872 numbers, for both landlines and mobiles. These charges are exclusive of the phone company’s access charge.
02 charges a service charge which extends anywhere between 45p to 68p per minute, depending on the subscriber’s package. The service charge is besides the standard 13p per call.