Business 0870 numbers are service numbers and has 2 charges attached to it. The access charge is set by the mobile phone company you use. The service charge is set by the organisation you are calling.
O2 mobile has different charges in place for calling an 0870 number, depending on the package you are on.
Pay as You Go Customers pay an access charge of 45 pence, then a charge of between 13 and 21 pence per minute, with a minimum cost of 58 pence.
Pay Monthly customers pay an access charge of 55 pence, plus a charge of 68 pence per minute, with a minimum cost of 68 pence.
In both cases, this charge is then added to the organisations own service charge.
O2 does allow some free to call 0870 numbers as part of the customer’s allowance. These numbers can easily be located on their website.
How much does it cost to call an 0870 number on O2?
- January 19, 2018
- jack kelly
- Guides