An 0333 number is a special type of landline number, as unlike ordinary 01 or 02 landline numbers, an 03 number has no specific geographical location associated with it and so calls can come from anywhere inside of the UK. An 0333 number is charged the same as an ordinary landline number, with the per minute charge being your network operator’s access charge, which will vary depending on whether you are using a landline or mobile and which network operator you use.
0333 call costs for Virgin Media customers
If you have a monthly allowance for minutes the duration of your call will simply be deducted from your monthly allowance. For calls outside of your monthly allowance, or calls from a pay as you go phone the call will be charged at a fixed per minute rate depending on your network’s access charge.
Virgin Media offers many different landline packages which vary in price. The most basic package charges 12p per minute for calls to an 0333 number, with a minimum charge of 12 pence. For £1 extra a month the ‘Talk More Weekends’ package charges nothing to call an 0333 number on the weekend, with a 12p per minute charge to calls not made between midnight on Friday and midnight on Saturday. For £5 extra a month, the ‘Evening and Weekend’ package charges nothing to call an 0333 number after 7pm or on a weekend. The final package ‘Talk more anytime’ costs £8 extra a month and charges nothing to call an 0333 number at any time. If you would like to purchase an 0333 number, we have a wide range available – get in touch with us if you’ve any questions.