Calls to any 0300 number (which can be purchased here) from EE cost the same as when calling any other landline 01 or 02 number. This is consistent with national guidelines introduced by Ofcom in 2007. Along with call charges, all calls to an 0300 number are included in the consumer’s allocated monthly allowance of inclusive minutes, just the same as 01 or 02 numbers are.
The 0300 number will incur a charge with an EE mobile if you exceed your monthly allowance or are a Pay as You Go customer.
Customers who are on an EE contract but have exceeded their monthly allowance will be charged at a rate of 50 pence per minute to call an 0300 number.
Pay as You Go customers will be charged 30 pence per minute.
How much does it cost to call an 0300 number on EE?
- January 7, 2018
- jack kelly
- Guides