0845 numbers are known as the non geographic numbers or in simpler terms a local rate number. This means a customer dialing an 0845 number is only charged at a local rate. This is extremely beneficial and cost effective for a customer who wants to get in touch with a business and a perfect way for a business to provide a very cost effective medium for a customer to get to them if any issues arise.
This very low cost method has managed to transform the way businesses in UK especially the small firms to assess their requirements whilst selecting a number for the business. The benefits achieved from a 0845 number is applied to both the owner of the business who has provided then number as well as the customer who calls this number.
0845 numbers – what is the cost to call them?
The cost to call 0845 numbers is regulated by Ofcom. However much of the cost is dependent upon what your service provider deems to charge you. This can vary quite wildly depending upon your contract and which operator you are using – as well as if you’re phoning from mobile or landline.
Calling 0845 numbers from mobile
Typically, an 0845 number is often used by the public sector or business service departments. A perfect example to define this scenario is retail stores. A person trying to get in touch with an 0845 prefixed number of a helpline of a departmental store would get directed to its nearest store according to the call origin, this is normally referred to be the geographic plan. However, 0845 numbers are normally privately issued by telecoms for people who require these numbers. These numbers are also charged the same as local calls; this just means customers who call an 0845 number – you can buy 0845 numbers here – will only be charged a nominal fee. This is considered to be extremely cost effective since it helps customers call the business if any problem arises.
Provider | Call charge |
EE mobile | 50p to 57p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
O2 mobile | 55p to 62p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
Three mobile | 45p to 52p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
Vodafone mobile | 55p to 62p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
GiffGaff | 25p to 32p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
iD Mobile | 45p to 52p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
Tesco Mobile | 25p to 32p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
ASDA Mobile | 8p to 15p per minute, plus up to 7p per call |
Calling 0845 numbers from landline
There is a charging arrangement which applies to an individual who calls the 0845 numbers; this is split into two portions. The first portion is the regular calling cost that is charged by your respective phone company based on per minute. Alternatively, the second part is normally referred to as the service charge that aims at benefiting the organisation that you are calling. The organisation is responsible to advise you how they will be charging you before you call them. These rates are normally mentioned in their advertisements. The total cost included here would be anywhere ranging from 8p to 60p per minute based on the mobile company as well as an additional charge of 7p per call.
Non geographic numbers have been the option for many business setups especially when it comes to setting up a customer care line. However, when you talk about non geographic number it is always good to know the costs behind all this to ensure you are doing the right thing for your business. It is also good for customers to know how much they would be paying from their pockets for such calls.
Buy your 0845 number
Interested in buying your own 0845 number? Choose from the packages below, or speak to a member of our team by calling 0330 332 0400 now.