Vodafone is an international mobile phone company based in London operating internationally in 26 countries. The name Vodafone was a shortening of the phrase “Voice Data Phone” which is meant to indicate “voice and data services by the phone”. They have a relatively long history, promoting radio technology in the 1980s before moving into mobile phone and internet technology.
0870 numbers are described as business rate numbers regulated by the PPS, which stands for the Phone-paid service authority. The charge is 13p and Vodafone’s access charge. For Vodafone that is 20p per minute (See http://www.vodafone.co.uk/campaigns/calling-service-numbers/index.htm) making 33p a minute in all. Note however, that these charges are all approximate values. Please contact Ofcom if you have any problems regarding call charges, access charges or phone bills.
How much does it cost to call an 0870 number on Vodafone?
- January 16, 2018
- jack kelly
- Guides