How much does it cost to call an 0345 number on Three Mobile?

Buy 0345 Numbers

Three mobile prides itself on being an inclusive network, one that provides customers with enough minutes, calls and data to see them through month after month. In some instances certain phone numbers are not included in inclusive packages, but Three Mobile has ensured that whilst it can provide customers on contracts with inclusivity, it also ensure that Pay-As-You-Go customers have affordable calls.

When making a call to business 0345 numbers it is included in contract minutes that are provided by Three mobile, essentially, all numbers starting with 03 are charged the same as number starting with 01 and 02. If you exceed you inclusive minutes, or are on a Pay-As-You-Go sim, then calls are charged at three pence per minute. This makes Three mobile one of the most cost effective mobile networks in the UK, they’re a company that are there for their customers and they’re making a different to the mobile sector.

Number starts with Description Cost from landlines per minute (approximate) Cost from mobiles per minute (approximate)
0345 UK-wide numbers up to 9p 3p to 55p