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As one of the top UK mobile network providers, Three mobile provides an outstanding service for its customers. Whether you are a contract member or Pay-As-You-Go customer, Three mobile has deals and offers that are able to suit everyone’s needs.

If you have decided to contact a number starting with 0843 whilst as a member of Three mobile, there will be additional charges to your bill. The phone numbers – you can get 0843 numbers here –  are not included in monthly minute plans on contract sims as they are classed as premium numbers. There are two types of charges added to premium numbers; access and service charges. Three mobile has a standard flat rate of 45 pence per minute to 0843 numbers as an access charge, a service charge is then added on top, and this amount varies, as it is solely based on the company you are contacting. The service charge is a fee mentioned at the start of the call by the charging company, and these charges can vary from per minute to per call.