0370 numbers are uk-wide numbers. 03 numbers are similar to geographic phone numbers that start with 01 or 02, and cost the same to call.
Pay Monthly Customers
Phone providers have to include 0370 numbers in any bundles, discounts of free minutes that they offer. So if you have a Pay Monthly contract with Virgin Mobile you won’t be charged for any 0370 calls you make within your call allowance. If you go over your monthly call allowance, calls to 0370 numbers will cost you 50p per minute with a minimum charge of 50p.
Pay As You Go Customers
The coast of an 0370 call depends on the PAYG tariff you are on.
• Big Data & Texts tariff / Big Talk tariff: 35p per minute with a minimum charge of 35p
• Starter tariff: 40p per minute with a minimum charge of 40p
All calls are billed per second after the first minute.