Plusnet mobile has varying rates depending on the number that the call starts with. To call a number that begins with 0871 you will be charged an access fee by Plusnet Mobile, and a service fee that is set by the organisation that you are calling. The access fee for Plusnet Mobile is £0.19. These can only be used within the UK. The service fee varies depending on the organisation. The organisation should make it clear to you what the fee is at the start of the call or it should be written clearly by the number. A typical service fee is roughly 20 ppm.
Call charges to 0871 numbers on Plusnet Mobile
According to our latest research, customers of Plusnet Mobile can expect to pay the following for calls to each number range
Number Range | Cost |
Make calls to standard UK landlines (01, 02, 0300, 0330, 0330, 0333, 0345, 0370 numbers) | £0.40 per minute |
Make calls to any UK mobiles | £0.40 per minute |
Use UK 4G data | £1.50 per day (250mb cap) |
Send texts to UK number | £0.15 per UK text |
Voicemail | £0.40 per minute |
0843, 0844, 0845, 0870, 0871, 0872, 09 and 118 | £0.19 access charge, plus a service charge |
0500 | £0.20 per minute |
Radio-paging service starting 076 | £0.51 per minute |
Call personal numbering services starting 070 | £0.76 per minute |
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